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Name: PALMER, Joyce Mary Spencer-, Miss
Nee: dau of Arthur Hugh Spencer Palmer
Birth Date: 24 Aug 1916 Nairobi
Death Date: 15 Aug 2004 Somerset West, S. Africa
First Date: 1935
Profession: Clerk, Inland Revenue Dept. in 1939, appointed 1936. Originally Clerical Learner 1935
Area: Nairobi
Married: In Nairobi 19 June 1943 Cyril Arthur Sabin d. 15 Apr 1986 Grahamstown
Children: Margaret Sylvia; Barbara Ann (Dean)
Book Reference: Staff 39
General Information:
Became a well known singer
UK Foreign and Overseas Registers for birth
1939 England and Wales Register living with mother and brother in Bournemouth as 'Clerk, Kenya Civil Service'