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Name: HAYDEN, James Joseph
Birth Date: 11.7.1883 Dublin
Death Date: Nov/Dec 1956 Cape Province, South Africa
Nationality: Irish
First Date: 1921
Profession: Solicitor, Puisne Judge, Kenya in 1939, appointed 1937. Transferred from Hong Kong. President of the Irish Society in 1942. Instrumental in forming the Society in 1923.
Area: Nairobi
Married: By 1926, possibly in Uganda, Beatrice Mabel Seagrove b. 11.1.1893 Ealing , d. 16 Jan 1975 Worthing
Children: None
Book Reference: Staff 39, Irish, Red 25, Colonial, Red 22
School: St. Mary's College Dublin; Barrister-at-Law (King's Inn, Dublin)
General Information:
Red 25 - Registrar, High Court of Uganda; Administrator-General; Principal Registrar of Companies; Registrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks; Chief Registration Officer; Revenue Authority; Registrar of Business Names and Additional District Magistrate.
Red 22 - J.J. Hayden, Adm. Gen., Entebbe
Ancestry Passenger list 1956 Mombasa-London for dates