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Name: LISTON, James Malcolm CMG (Dr.)
Birth Date: 27.8.1909 Renfrewshire
First Date: 1933
Profession: Medical Officer, Medical Dept., Kenya in 1939, appointed 1935.
Area: Kiambu
Married: 1935 Isobel Prentice Meiklem b. 1911, d. 2 Aug 2003 Edinburgh, physiotherapist
Book Reference: Staff 39, Hut, Colonial, Debrett, Kiambu Scrapbook
War Service: Merchant seaman
School: Glasgow High School and Univ.; MB, CHB (Glas)
General Information:
Kiambu Scrapbook - The second Medical Officer at Kiambu in my time was Dr. James Liston who came to us, his first appointment in the Medical Service, after a tour of duty with a British Cruiser seconded to the Columbian Navy. He is now the equivalent of Chief Medical Advisor to the Colonial Office, now the Department of Technical Assistance.
Colonial - Dir. Med. & Health Serv. Sarawak 1947; Dep. Dir. Hong Kong 1952; DMS Tang. 1955; Perm Sec. Min. of Health 1959; Dep. Ch. MO, CO 1960