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Name: LING, Albert Parker

Birth Date: 1890 Balham

Death Date: 23 July 1952 Shooters Hill, London

First Date: 1919

Profession: Chief Health Inspector, Medical Dept, Kenya in 1939, appointed 1927. Originally a Sanitary Inspector 1919.

Area: Nairobi, 1925 Mombasa, 1930 Nairobi

Married: Gertrude Hilda Clarice b. 24.11.1895, d. 27.2.1981 Frome

Children: Graham Trevor (1928)

Book Reference: Staff 39, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Red 22, Gazette

War Service: RAMC

General Information:

Gazette 19/11/1919 - Arrived on 1st Appointment - Sanitary Inspector - 5/11/1919
KAD 1922 - Sanitary Inspector, 2nd Grade, Sanitation Division, Mombasa
Gazette - 6/2/1924 - Voters Register - Mombasa - Albert Parker Ling, Sanitary Inspector, Mombasa
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List 1936 - Nairobi South - Albert Parker Ling, Civil Servant, Box 641, Nbi. And Gertrude Hilda Clarice Ling, married woman, Box 641, Nbi.
Nat Probate Calendar

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