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Name: RIGGS, Alfred William MBE, KPM
Photo Source: David Reeve
Birth Date: 14 Aug 1896 Chatham, Kent
Death Date: 2 June 1957 Nairobi
First Date: 1939
Last Date: 1957
Profession: Asst. Superintendent of Police, Kenya in 1939, appointed 1939. Originally Asst. Supdt. 1939. Transferred from Palestine
Area: Nairobi
Married: In Alexandria 21 Feb 1920 Rebecca Ungar b. 1893, Rumanian, dau of Samuel Ungar, wine merchant
Children: Maurice Halcomb; James (1922); ?Grace (Ellvers)
Book Reference: Staff 39, Colonial, Ray Morrell, Barnes
War Service: Royal Army Vet Corps
School: Board School Chatham
General Information:
E-mail from Ray Morrell - 'Riggs - another policeman - pre-war I think. He started Nairobi's first detective agency (and also the first fish and chip shop)'
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - Alfred William Riggs, British, age 61, died 2/6/57
Colonial - Supt. 1940; Senior 1947
UK Foreign and Overseas Registers for marriage - Riggs was at the time a Regimental Sergeant Major. Marriage took place in Brit. Consulate, Alexandria, Egypt