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Name: HAMPSON, Geoffrey DSO (Major)
Birth Date: 29 Mar 1872 Wisbech
Death Date: 1960 Bristol
First Date: 1908
Profession: Farmer. Arrived to work for Powys Cobb at Molo, aged about 40. Travelled up on the train with Richard Gethin. He had been in Canada, South America and SA.
Area: Koru, Molo, 1925 Major G. Hampson, Nakuru. Red 31 - Maj. G. Hampson, 'Rudlands' Gilgil
Married: 1. 1910 Edith Mary Murray; 2. 1920 Helen b. 1874
Children: 1. Hilary Edith (20 June 1912 Muhoroni, Lumbwa)
Book Reference: Gethin, Joelson, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EAMR, Curtis, Red 22, Gazette, DSO, Red Book 1912
War Service: WW1 with EAMR - MGS 7/8/14 - 1/3/15 - Lieut.
General Information:
Gethin - 'Hampson turned out to be most entertaining, a frightful liar, and pinched anything that was left lying about that took his fancy. He informed me soon after leaving Mombasa, that he didn't think much of Cobb or his Company, but joined as he was broke and wanted to get up country. He was quite determined just to walk off the train at Nairobi if he liked the look of the place and he thought a job was going in that area.'
Curtis - p. 86 - 'To Naivasha Across the Mau' by Richard Gethin
Gazette - 26/8/1914 - Appt. - G. Hampson, Volunteer Forces, East Africa Regiment, with the rank of Lieutenant, to date August 13th 1914
Gazette - 11/8/1915 - Appt. - EAMR - Resignation - Lieut. Geoffrey Hampson
DSO - London Gazette 7/11/18 - Geoffry Hampson, Temp. Capt. (Acting Major), Tank Corps. For conspicuous gallantry and fine leadership with his tanks in action. He was of the utmost assistance to the infantry and when the cavalry were held up at a wood he cleared it of the enemy and pushed on. He went from tank to tank giving orders and showed an entire disregard for his own safety.
Red Book 1912 - G. Hampson - Muhoroni
Gazette - 3/12/1919 - Register of Voters - Rift Valley Area - Major G. Hampson DSO - Farmer - Gilgil and Mrs Hampson - Gilgil
Joelson - 1928 - One of first settlers in Koru in 1911.
KAD 1922 - Major G. Hampson, Gilgil