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Name: LOW, George Michael 'Mucky'
Nee: son of Walter Percival Low
Birth Date: 20 Mar 1917 Nairobi
Death Date: 5 Jan 1984 Nairobi
Profession: Farmer
Area: Hut - 1945 Narosurra Farm, Sabatia
Married: Mary Raymonde Smith b. 22 Oct 1923 Nakuru, d. Nairobi (dau. of Allison Eugene 'Puggy' Smith)
Children: Raymonde Allison; Peter Michael; Patrick Allison; Richard Percival
Book Reference: Sitrep 2, Hut
General Information:
Gazette 28 Dec 1984 probate
Pre-war volunteer to the Kenya Regiment (KR 554)
Howard Smith: He grew up in Nairobi, but after WW2, managed Narosurra Farm, Eldama Ravine for Allison 'Puggy' Smith, then owned half of it following Puggy's death and Michael's wife inheriting half the farm. The other half was sold to Bill and Muriel Turner to cover "Death Tax".