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Name: LYTTON, Noel Anthony Scawen Lytton, 4th Earl of Lytton OBE, Lord
Birth Date: 7 Apr 1900 Chelsea
Death Date: 18 Jan 1985 West Sussex
First Date: 1922
Profession: Soldier, from an old Somerset family
Area: Nairobi
Married: In Marylebone 30 Nov 1946 Clarissa Mary Palmer b. 13 Dec 1915 Lewes, d. 2006 Horsham
Children: John Peter Michael Scawen (1950) (5th Earl); Thomas Roland Cyril Lawrence (1954); Caroline Mary Noel (1947-2017); Lucy Mary Frances (1957); Sarah Teresa Mary (Solly) (1959)
Book Reference: Lytton, Debrett, Red 25, Burke
War Service: Lt-Col Rifle Brigade attd KAR 1922-26, Instr Economics RMC 1931-35, Staff Capt and DAQMG War Office 1936-39
School: Downside and RMC Sandhurst
General Information:
Lytton - At times during my 8 months in Nairobi I organised impromptu dances at Muthaiga. Settlers and officials alike used to come and once I was bold enough to invite that charming Acting-Governor Sir Charles Bowring and his wife. We had a typical Muthaiga evening. I think it was on this night that I took the charming young thing already mentioned or another, round the club ballroom on the pillion of my Harley-Davidson motor cycle.
Debrett - Lieut.-Col. Rifle Brig.; assumed by deed poll 1925 the additional surname of Milbanke after that of Lytton; discontinued by deed poll 1951 the use of this additional surname
Red 25 - KAR