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Name: IRVINE, Archibald Clive (Dr.)

Nee: son of Rev. John Archibald Irvine
Birth Date: 1893 Liverpool
Death Date: 1974 Nairobi
First Date: 1917
Profession: Opened the Church of Scotland Mission at Chogoria in October 1922
Area: Chogoria, Tumutumu
Married: In Kenya 1921 Margaret Joyce Carr b. 8 Aug 1896 Stanwix, Cumberland, d. 20 May 1980 Leamington Spa (dau of Ernest Carr)
Children: Austin John Anthony 'Tony' (30 Apr 1922 Chogoria-8 Apr 2013 Southampton); Dr. Geoffrey Christopher (1923 Chogoria-5 May 2010 Nairobi); Kenneth David (15 June 1925 Chogoria-6 Sep 1978 Edinburgh)
Book Reference: Scotland, Tignor, Adventure, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Red 22, Burke, Chogoria, Witchmen, Beck
War Service: RAMC
General Information:
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Aberdare Voters List, at Meru
Adventure - When Raymond Hook wrote regretting his inability to provide us with a safari, it was White who got in touch with the Irvines at the Mission at Chogoria. Dr Irvine and his wife had assisted several expeditions in the past, including Dutton's notable attempt in 1928 ..…..
Dr Irvine dispenses health and religion over an area as large as an English county. He is one of the very few Europeans who have succeeded in mastering the intricacies of the Kikuyu language and preaches in it daily. He seemed to command no assistance save that of his charming wife, but was clearly a glutton for work and enjoyed every moment of a strenuous meaningful existence.
Chogoria - Amongst the troops which disembarked at Dar-es-Salaam early in July 1917, was a young doctor who had been commissioned in the RAMC. He had left Britain in May 1917 ….. On arrival in GEA he was posted first to a medical unit at Itigi and then to the Carrier Corps hospital at Dodoma. From here he went in November to take charge of a medical post at Matikiro in the Iringa sector of the battlefield. And here he first met Captain John W. Arthur of the KMV Carrier Corps …….. The doctor's name was Archibald Clive Irvine, recently graduated in medicine at Aberdeen University. Soon after his grauation he was called up for military service and after a short period of training he was sent out for service to the East African theatre of war. …….. At the end of hostilities in EA, Dr Irvine assisted with the repatriation of African members of the Carrier Corps and during this time he visited several mission stations in Kenya ….. He then offered to the Kikuyu Mission for missionary service. On July 19th 1919 he was posted to Tumutumu to assist Dr Philp in the medical work there, and took up residence in the large stone-built manse there. At this time he bought a Douglas motor-cycle and sidecar for use as transport. ……. [much much more]
Red 25 has Dr. A.C. Irvine, Chuka, Fort Hall
Gazette 7 Aug 1981 wife's probate