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Name: LINDISAY, George William Guy (Capt.)
Birth Date: 5.11.1870 St Andrews, Fife
Death Date: 4.2.1942 Kensington, London
Nationality: British
First Date: 1901
Profession: 5 KAR - sent to Kaptumo in 1902 after Nandi stole railway sleepers. Decided to set up a site at Kericho. Garrison of one Indian Company proposed.
Area: Kaptumo, Kericho
Married: In India 22 Aug 1906 Edith Stirling b. 4 May 1876 St Andrews, Fife, d. 1933 Lewisham
Book Reference: Moyse, North, EA Diary 1903
War Service: Leinster Regt./Indian Staff Corps
General Information:
North - Arr. Mombasa 23/5/1901, dep. for Uganda 30/5/1901 with Indian Contingent; 1st Battn. Uganda Rifles; 5KAR; Lumbwa, Kericho Station May 1902; arr. Mombasa from Muhoroni 27/10/1902; dep. Mombasa for Somaliland 31/10/1902
EA Diary - (Lindesay) - Company Commander - 5th Battn. KAR
North - Resigned, 3 months' notice 12-9-1902; transferred from EAP Mil. as Special Service Officer in Somaliland, end of appt. 18-11-1903
EA Diary 1903 - Capt. W. G. Lindesay