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Name: HALL, Charles Robert (Capt.)
Birth Date: 25.11.1877 Rushbrooke, Cork, Ireland
Death Date: 23.10.1963 Galway
Nationality: British
First Date: 1902
Profession: Army. R. Munster Fusiliers - visited Mbale in June 1906 to recruit for the KAR
Area: Uganda
Married: In Westminster 23 Apr 1923 Stella Mabel Thornely Mott b. 17 May 1901 Rickmansworth, d. 29 Dec 1980 Ireland
Children: two dau.
Book Reference: Moyse, EAHB 1905, EA Diary 1903, Drumkey, EAHB 1906, UJ, North, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907
War Service: Royal Munster Fusiliers/KAR
General Information:
North - arr. Mombasa from England 7-5-1902; dep. Mombasa for Uganda 8-5-1902; at Nimule 9-6-1903; resident at Ukamba & Western Province HQ, Ngong 30-9-1904; 1905 at Entebbe
EAHB 1905 - 4th KAR, Uganda
1939 England and Wales Register living with wife in Wareham, as retired army officer