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Name: LLOYD-JONES, William DSO (Brevet Major)
Nee: bro of John Wilton Lloyd-Jones
Birth Date: 13 July 1886
First Date: 1910
Profession: HBEA 1912 - Subaltern 3/KAR
Married: 1. In London1921Norah Leila Jefferd b. 1 Nov 1895 Plympton, d. 1953 Wandsworth (div.); 2. In Hendon 1938 Grace Harriet Isabel Clark b. 13 May 1905 Spalding, d. 1963 Harrow
Author: 'Havash'
Book Reference: Moyse, Havash, Debrett, DSO, Leader14, HBEA
War Service: Middlesex Regt
General Information:
Moyse - 1911 - Marakwet - 2 members of the tribe were suspected of the murder of a white settler, van Breda. A strong patrol set out under Major L.E.S. Ward. Eventually 1 murderer was given up and the patrol withdrawn on 6/1/1912. The other murderer was arrested at Nandi. Lt. W. Lloyd-Jones remained behind as garrison. .......….
May 1913 - patrol operating from Mt. Kulal by Lloyd-Jones. .....
Sept 3rd - Lloyd-Jones discovered an Abyssinian boma. Jones received a wound which shattered a bone of his leg. The Assistant DC Marsabit, out surveying, tended Jones until medical assistance arrived.
Havash - Author's brother in Kenya in 1912 running a rubber plantation half way between Nairobi and the Coast. ..... Author arrived in Kenya in 1910 on secondment to the KAR ....….
expedition to Uasin Gishu against the Elgeyo Marakwet re the murder of an old Boer ...........
setting up a post among the Marakwet ....... 1912 to Sotik ......... then to the NFD and Lake Rudolph .....…..
Loiyangalani ...... loneliness and illness
Debrett - Capt. and Brevet Major Middlesex Regt. (retired 1919) is Captain of Invalids, Roy Hospital, Chelsea; European War 1914-18 (severely wounded at Lake Rudolph 1914, despatches, DSO, Brevet Major); has Orders of Crown of Roumania, White Eagle with swords, Crown of Italy, and Legion of Honour.
DSO - Joined the Middlesex Regt. as a 2nd Lieut. 24/1/1906. He was promoted to Lieut. 10/10/08, and was employed with the KAR from 17/8/11 to 7/8/14. He served in the East African Protectorate in 1913, in command of the reconnaissance on the east shore of Lake Rudolph. He was severely wounded, and created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order (London gazette 4/8/14) - In recognition of his services whilst in command of a party of 23 rank and file of the 3rd Battn. KAR on the occasion of a reconnaissance on the 3rd Sept 1913, on the east shore of Lake Rudolph ……. acting as escort to the Political Officer, came into touch with a party of Abyssinians at a water hole named Bwann.
The latter retired behind a dense thorn zariba eight feet high, containing one gate. Lieut. Lloyd Jones after reconnoitring the zariba, advanced into the open within 25 yards of the enemy, and summoned them through his Abyssinian orderly to come out, at the same time assuring them that they would be granted their lives. The enemy replied that they would not come out, and immediately began to barricade the gate. Seeing this Lieut. Lloyd Jones, though unaware of the numbers of the enemy, at once ordered his men to charge and himself ran forward at their head. His Abyssinian orderlies heard those inside shout, 'Shoot the white man!' Almost immediately the bugler, who was just behind Lieut. Lloyd Jones, was hit by a bullet in the chest, and he himself, before he could reach the gate, received a shot in the left ankle which completely shattered the bone and brought him to the ground.
The orderlies and a sergeant rushed on and, breaking through the gate, shot down everyone inside the zariba. Lieut. Lloyd Jones, not knowing whether there were any more of the enemy in the vicinity, then had himself carried up to some high ground overlooking the water, and threw out a screen of scouts on the neighbouring hills. On the return of the Political Officer, who was surveying not far away, Lieut. Lloyd Jones was carried back to Loiyangalani, where he arrived on 7th Sept.
Lieut. Lloyd Jones was the last officer to win the DSO before the European War. At the outset of the European War he was given a special appointment Aug 1914 to March 1915. He was promoted Captain 8 Dec 1914; was specially employed at the War Office 4/10/15.
Moyse - 1912 - patrol against the Sotik with Lt. J.F. Edwards. Lloyd-Jones came from Marakwet with 44 men of the Abyssinian Company.
1939 England and Wales Register living in Friern Barnet with Grace, as retired army officer