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Name: LEVESON-GOWER, John Henry (Lieut.)
Birth Date: 20 Sep 1880 Finchampstead
Death Date: 3 Nov 1912 Colorado Springs, Colorado
Nationality: British
First Date: 1903
Profession: Military; Asst. DC
Area: Nairobi, 1920 Baringo, Naivasha, 1914 Baringo
Married: unmarried
Book Reference: Kenya Diary, EAHB 1905, Hut, North, Drumkey, EAHB 1906, AJ, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907, Leader14
War Service: 3rd Battn. Grenadier Guards; 3 KAR
School: Eton, Christ Church
General Information:
Kenya Diary - July 1905 - Nandi - Leveson Gower arrived here today with No 7 Company which I used to have at Fort Hall and Nyeri. .......... 31st July - Kibigori - found Maycock and Leveson Gower, both very tired of life and grumbling like bears with sore heads. Neither of them is fit and they both suffer from liver. But what can you expect from the life they lead? They both do themselves too well, retire late to bed and rise late, and never take any exercise. I should soon be ill if I followed their example ..... Apr. 1904 - We have a company at Muhoroni to guard the railway, as the Nandi have been giving trouble lately. It is in the charge of Leveson Gower, who has now been detailed for escort duty to the Anglo-German Boundary Commission
EAHB 1905 - 3rd KAR, Nairobi
Drumkey 1909 - Asst. District Commissioner 1907; Subaltern, 3rd KAR, 1903; Asst. Collector, EAP, May 22nd 1906.
Agricultural Journal - Brands Allotted and Registered, September 1908 - J. Leveson-Gower, Baringo - Baringo H1G
North - 'This is an unfortunate selection … by the WO … he did not hit it off in the Guards' (FO 2); arr Mombasa 3-6-1903; appt. Asst. Collector EAP 12-12-1905 effective from 8-5-1906
EAHB 1907 - Asst. Collector - Naivasha
EAHB 1907 - Asst. Collector, EA Protectorate, May 22 1906
Gazette 15/1/1906 - Departed for England on 6 months' leave of absence
W.A.Kempe diary 13 July 1907 ... the boma Baringo or Mngitan as it is now. Rather a desolate place, very stony, no cultivation except about an acre down by the river artificially irrigated. The A.D.O. in charge – Leveson Gower, a whipper snapper who a few years ago was the subject of a scandal when he was in the guards & ragged by them for which I don’t blame them at all – came in from a month’s safari to Lake Rudolf through the Sub & Turkana country about 12. He put me up we had a short row about his putting chits into the safe when taking out money for his private use.