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Name: LANE, Henry Wills
Birth Date: 20 Aug 1849 Clifton, Glos.
Death Date: 4 Oct 1936, Melbourne, Australia
First Date: 1883
Last Date: 1884
Profession: Lay Superintendent of the Frere Town Mission
Area: Frere Town
Married: In Clifton, Glos. 13 May 1882 Emily Williams b. 1848 Stockbridge, Hants, d. 1949 Victoria, Australia
Children: Frere Henry Tremayne (7 Feb 1883 Freretown-1944); Lucille Alice Constance (21 May 1884 Freretown-1898); George Gabriel Odiarne (1886 Victoria-1970); Ellinor Violet (1887-1898); Dorothy Ada Livingstone (1889-1968); Clement Frederick (1891-1915); Eustace Manly Tremayne (1896-1962)
Book Reference: Thomson, CMS
General Information:
CMS 1882 - Age 32. Of Bristol. 1882, May 17 to E. Eq. Africa Mission - Frere Town as Lay Superintendent; 1884, Aug 6 to England and connexion closed. 1886 Deacon and 1887 Priest by Bishop of Melbourne, Australia; afterwards Minister of Omeo, and of Alexandra, Dio. Melbourne. M. 1882 Emily Williams