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Name: HUNTINGFORD, George Wynn Brereton
Nee: son of Edward Wynn Huntingford
Birth Date: 19 Nov 1901 Newton Abbot
Death Date: 19 Feb 1978 Malaga, Spain
First Date: 1921
Profession: Farmer, linguist, anthropologist
Area: Kitale
Married: 1. Susan Coulby b. 1900, d. 23 Dec 1957 Surrey; 2. In Hampstead 1960 Rosamund Alexa Cyrille Simpson née Montgomery b. 15 Jan 1901, d. 28 Mar 1988 London (prev. m. Charles Reginald Hanbury Simpson 1906-1980)
Author: 'The Nandi of Kenya' 1953
Book Reference: Nandi, KAD, Hut, Red 22
General Information:
His personal knowledge of the Nandi went back to early in 1921. Research period ended in 1945. Lived in EA for 25 years and made a special study of the Nandi and allied peoples.
Red 22 - G.W.R. [sic] Huntingford, Nat. Bank of India, Nairobi
George Wynn Brereton - Kenya Regiment 2709
KAD 1922 - National Bank of India, Nairobi
Gazette - 26/9/1923 - Voters Register - Plateau North - George Wynn Brereton Huntingford, Farmer PO Kitale
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Uasin Gishu Voters Roll
Lecturer at SOAS 1950-1966