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Name: LANG, Conyers Frederick Woodroffe (Capt.)
Birth Date: 11 Sep 1890 Kensington
Death Date: 26 Apr 1969 Bembridge, Isle of Wight
First Date: 1933
Profession: Big-game hunter
Married: 1. In London 4 Nov 1916 Lorna Marsalie Burn b. 21 Sep 1893 Aberdeen, d. 5 Jan 1975 Brackley, Northants (later m. George Edward Redvers Prior 1885-1956); 2. In Westminster 1934 Doris Edmund Whitaker b. 1899 King William's Town, S. Africa, d. 1970 Cape Town (prev. m. Edward Ernest Cormack Mathieson)
Children: Charles Douglas Conyers (26 Sep 1918 Aylesbury-8 Oct 1981 Kensington); Charmian Patricia (17 Mar 1924 Aylesbury-30 Mar 1924 Aylesbury); Robin A. (1928 Kensington)
Book Reference: Szechenyi, Chandler
War Service: Devon Regt.
General Information:
Szechenyi - 1933 - Nairobi hospital - big-game hunter Capt. C. Lang who has been here in bed now for a month. A wounded buffalo tossed him, played the devil with him altogether, breaking his pelvis, several ribs, one leg and both arms. There were not many bones in him unbroken. The doctors consider him a miracle, for he survived against all the rules of the game. Now he is whistling cheerfully too, even shuffling about on crutches, impatient to be let loose again on the buffaloes.
Chandler - Lang was the author of 'Buffalo; The Lone Trail of a Big-Game Hunter (1934)' about an extended safari that was supposed to be "Cape to Cairo". The adventure ended when Lang was pummelled by a buffalo in Kenya. He survived, crawled back to Nairobi, and wrote his book.
1939 England and Wales Register living in Romsey