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Name: LUCK, Cecil Percy
Nee: son of Charles Cardale Luck of Gwonongween, Lumbwa
Birth Date: 16 Apr 1917 Stockholm, Sweden
Death Date: 18 Jan 2008 Johannesburg
First Date: 1921
Profession: Professor of physiology
Area: Lumbwa
Married: In Johannesburg 20 Dec 1945 Anne Elizabeth Elmer
Children: Cicely Anne (Van Straten) (1947); Rolf Leslie (1949); Peter Cardale (1954)
Book Reference: Kenton, Web
School: Kenton College - left 1930 for College in Sweden; BSc, MBBCh (Professor)
General Information:
Web - Born in Sweden, Luck relocated with his family to Kenya in 1921. He returned to Sweden at the age of 12 to be an apprentice to a blacksmith and carpenter, received a Swedish matriculation and then went to Witwatersrand University to study medicine, thereafter specialising in physiology …….. Later taught at Makerere and then Witwatersrand