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Name: DESMIER, Conrad Etridge
Nee: bro of William and Arthur Desmier
Birth Date: 28 July 1877 Kotri, Sind
Death Date: 1948
Nationality: British
First Date: 1899
Profession: Land Grant 1903 - C.E. Desmier - Shamba, 200 acres - Kibos - July 31 - 99 years lease
Area: Nairobi area Jan. 1902, Kibos
Married: In Calcutta 26 Feb 1906 Sybil Beryl Loader b. 17 Oct 1889 Blacktown, Madras, d. 1953 Harrow
Children: Albert Etridge (25 Aug 1912 Bilaspur, India-1972); Vivian Lesley (7 Sep 1914 Bengal-1973)
Book Reference: Land 1903, North, Drumkey
General Information:
North - Railway appt. dated 7-12-1899; Nairobi area Jan 1902; Overseer, Construction Division; staff reduced as line approaches Lake Victoria, end of appt. 7-4-1902; Overseer, No. 6 Construction Division May 1902; Listed with 'Officers & Subordinates' Overseer 1-4-1903
Web Known to have travelled to Africa for work with William Edmond. He was back in Calcutta by 1906 and married Sybil Beryl Loader. At that time he was an Engine Driver. He and Sybil had two children.