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Name: LAUGHLIN, Charles Edward Hamilton (Capt.)
Birth Date: 20.3.1861 Pytchley
Death Date: 23.6.1935 Bournemouth
Nationality: British
First Date: 1901
Profession: Officer Commanding, Nile, 4th KAR
Area: Uganda
Married: In London 1916 Rosetta Margaret Campbell Low née Russell b. 1873 Bromley, bapt. 11 Jan 1874 Chislehurst, d. 1944 Bournemouth
Children: John Hamilton (1915-1977 Chichester)
Book Reference: EAHB 1905, North, EA Diary 1903, EAHB 1906, Gazette
War Service: Leinster Regt.
General Information:
North - Appt. Uganda Mil.; dep. Mombasa for Uganda 25/6/1898; appt. Major 1/1/1901; based Eastern Mil. Dist. May 1901 Gazette - 1/2/1906 - departed on leave for England, 4 months leave - 24/1/1906
Cambridge Univ. Alumni at CLARE, Oct. 8, 1877. [S. of the Rev. Edward James (Trinity College, Dublin, B.A. 1851), of St Ives, Hunts. B. Feb. 23 [Army List, 1920, gives Mar. 20], 1861. School, Marlborough.] Matric. Michs. 1877. Joined the army, serving in the ranks for three years with the Welsh Regt., 1886-9; Nile expedition, 1889. 2nd Lieut., Leinster Regt., 1890; Lieut., 1891; Capt., 1896. Uganda, 1898-1906; mentioned in despatches, 1899. Major, 1906; retired, 1909. Served in the Great War, 1914-19 (Major, Leinster Regt.; Brigade-Major; Lieut.-Col., Hampshire Regt. (T.F.); employed, Ministry of Munitions; Brevet Major; mentioned in Secretary of State's List for ‘valuable services’). Of Southbourne, Hants., where he died June 23, 1935. (Marlborough Coll. Reg.; Army Lists; The Times, June 26, 1935.)