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Name: ANDERSSEN, Jens Joergen Bull

Birth Date: 1860 Alesund, Norway
Death Date: 1935 Elverum, Norway
Nationality: Norwegian
First Date: 1894
Last Date: 1905
Profession: Ass. Collector, Tanaland, 1895/1900. Collector Tanaland May 2nd 1900; Acting Sub. Commissioner, Tanaland, in 1902.
Area: Tanaland, EAHB 1905 Collector, Kipini, Lamu, EAHB 1904 Kipini
Married: In Zanzibar 22.9.1898 Julia Ness (Naess, Swedish, formerly living in Bloomsbury, London)
Book Reference: Gillett, EAHB 1905, EAS, North, EA Diary 1903, EAHB 1906, EA Diary 1902, EAHB 1904, EAHB 1907, Web, Gazette
General Information:
North - Trader & Engineer; formerly in Madagascar; Agent for Norwegian Government Trading Co. at Lamu. Later Asst. Collector Lamu 1899; District Officer & Collector Tana River 1900; Acting Sub-Commissioner Tanaland 1902 Admitted to hospital at Mombasa with fever in Jan 1897 and dep. From hospital for England on 5 months sick leave 28-3-1897. Port Durnford June 1899; Listed as Collector Tana River 1-4-1904; '… a trustworthy and painstaking officer' (Hardinge, FO 107)
EAHB 1906 - Assistant Collector, Tanaland, EA Protectorate, October 28th 1895; Collector, Tanaland, May 2nd 1900; Acting Sub-Commissioner, Tanaland, February 1st to April 16th 1902.
North - Naturalised British subject 24-2-1905; Collector Tana River District, dep. Mombasa for Europe on leave with wife, both ill 24-12-1905; Retired; 'A trustworthy and painstaking officer' (Sir Andrew Hardinge, FO 107)
EA Diary 1902 - Listed as District Officer
EA Diary 1903 - Assistant Collector, EA Protectorate, October 28 1895; Collector May 2 1900; Acting Sub-Commissioner, Tanaland Feb1 to April 16 1902
EAHB 1907 - Resigned during 1906
Web - Naturalisations published in the Jewish Chronicle between 1902 and 1906 - Andersen Jens Jorgen East African Protectorate, Lamu Norway Apr-05 Passengers on 'Debora' - Knud Bang's family came from Skaret as did Jens Jorgen (Bull) Anderssen. His father was consul Joakim Anderssen, a pioneer in fishing, business and shipping trade in Alesund and Norway. In 1876 in America Joakim purchased a pair of telephone apparatus from Alexander Graham Bell which he gave to his son Jens. These were the first telephones in Europe.
Gazette 15/10/1906 - resigned as a Collector from July 23 1906
The African Standard - 26-2-1903 - Invited to the wedding of H.R. Phelips & Miss Jacquette Edith Lambe in Mombasa