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Name: ALEXANDER, Alexander

Birth Date: 22.2.1862 Edinburgh
Death Date: 7.3.1906 Zanzibar
Nationality: British
First Date: 1891
Last Date: 1906
Profession: IBEA Co. General Africa Staff - appointed 1891. Accountant; Acting Collector of Customs Mombasa 1893. Resigned from the Company and joined Smith Mackenzie & Co. later Treasurer to the Sultan and Secretary to the Council, 1st Minister Zanzibar
Area: Kismayu 1893, Mombasa 1893, Zanzibar 1897-1900
Book Reference: EAHB 1905, North, IBEA, EAHB 1906, EA Diary 1903, EAHB 1904, North
General Information:
IBEA - General Africa Staff - Appointed 2nd July 1891
North - Manager at Mombasa for Smith, Mackenzie & Co. Aug 1895-Feb 1897; appointed Director of Customs Zanzibar Feb 1897; 'A careful level headed officer' (Cave, FO2)