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Name: ADAMS, Sydney Victor

Photo Source: Phil Toye
Birth Date: 16 Jan 1895, bapt. 3 Apr 1895 Croydon
Death Date: 26 July 1952 Putney
First Date: 1918
Profession: Merchant
Area: Box 561, Nairobi, Kisumu
Married: In Surrey 29 May 1915 Avice Nora Cobham Norton b. 8 Apr 1897 Robben Island, S. Africa (prev. m. Cecil Herbert Crampton 1886-1972)
Children: Diana Sydney 'Pam' (30 Oct 1930 Nairobi-1972S.Africa)
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Red 22, Gazette, Red 19
General Information:
Red 25 has S.V. Adams, c/o Milligan & Co.
Red 25 - S.V. Adams - Member of Council, Club representative, Parklands Sports Club - Football Association of Kenya
Red 22 - S.V. Adams - Box 148, Nairobi Red 22 - Vice-President, Parklands Sports Club - S.V. Adams
Gazette 20/3/1918 - Application for Wholesale Liquor Licence - Sydney V Adams, Manager BEAC - Kisumu
Gazette 28/4/1920 - Labour Agent's Permit Issued - S.V. Adams
Gazette - 12/11/1919 - Register of Voters - Lake Area - Sydney Victor Adams - Merchant - Kisumu
Red Book 1919 - S. Adams - Merchant, Kisumu
Ancestry for birth
1939 England and Wales Register living with wife in Lewisham, as accountant