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Name: D'OLIER, Edmund William 'Eddie'

Nee: bro of Bertrand Guy D'Olier, son of Edmund Guy D'Olier of Knocklinn, Ireland
Birth Date: 26 July 1897 Knocklinn, Co. Wicklow
Death Date: 18 July 1958 Endebess, flying accident, died with wife
First Date: 1922
Last Date: 1958
Profession: Farmer
Area: 'Collegnes', Endebess Kitale
Married: 1. Beatrice Margaret 'Betty'; 2. In Chichester 1947 Kathleen Eleanor 'Katie' Rutherfoord b. 1914 Chester, d. 18.7.1958
Children: Edmund Michael Campbell (1928-1943); Guy William
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Red 22, EA & Rhodesia, Trans Nzoia Scrap Book, Barnes, SS, Fox Davies, Gazette, Lander
War Service: Royal Artillery
General Information:
EA & Rhodesia - 14/8/58 - Mr and Mrs D'Olier, who have been killed in an air crash in East Africa, were old and well-known Kenya settlers. Mr Edmund William D'Olier had served in the Royal Artillery in the 1914-18 campaign against German East Africa, and he began farming in the Trans Nzoia a few years after his demobilization. He served again as a gunner in Ethiopia and Madagascar during the last war. Mrs D'Olier had been trained as a nurse at St. Thomas's Hospital, London, and was in the Royal Naval Nursing Service during the last war. They were married in 1947.
Trans Nzoia Scrap Book - Suam Sawmill - In 1936 Suam Sawmills Ltd., held an AGM in Kitale and declared a dividend - an almost unheard of event in those post-slump years. Celebrators adjourned to the bar of the Hotel and centred round Eddie D'Olier and Norman. Colonel Kirkwood, owner of the Hotel, tried to restrain them and had ice shoved down his neck; the Superintendent of Police got locked in one of his own cells. Eventually the ringleaders repaired to the Station, where an empty train was standing. Toilet paper from this was festooned around the station, and finally some of the revellers slept it off in the carriages
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - Edmund William D'Olier, British, age 60, died 18/7/58 and Kathleen Eleanor D'Olier, British, age 49, died 18/7/58
Soldier Settlement Scheme after WW1 - Class B - Lieut. E.W. D'Olier, Knocklin, Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland - Farm 195
Gazette 12/4/1922 - Brands Registered during quarter ending 31/3/1922 - E.W. D'Olier, Farm No 195B, PO Kitale - G4D
Lander - 1950 - "Eddie was one of our local characters. He bought the bush country opposite my farm some 30 years ago and has turned it into a show place. Beautiful straight fields, patches of trees, 115 acres of well-kept coffee, paddocks, workshops - all achieved with his own capable hands. His high Irish spirits always made him good company and if ever I was in need of a tonic I would call at his hospitable house to catch a breath of his energy and enthusiasm. His advice was always sound and patiently given, and many were the times I went to him with mountainous troubles which he soon turned into molehills. I marvelled at the way he could find time, with all his many activities, to come over to my place to 'fix' something for me."
Gazette - 26/9/1923 - Voters Register - Plateau North - Edmund William D'Olier. Farmer, PO Kitale
Gazette 17 Feb 1959 wife's probate
Gazette 24 Mar 1959 probate