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Name: ENGELAND, Stanley Stephen
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Nee: bro of Hector Ernest Edward Engeland
Birth Date: 23 Jan 1896 Camberwell, London
Death Date: 13 Apr 1984 Peterborough
First Date: 1921
Last Date: 1940
Profession: Linotype operator, Govt. Press, Secretariat; printer
Area: Nairobi
Married: Phylis Mary b. 1908
Children: Gillian M. (9 May 1935 Warrington); David K. (1946)
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Colonial, Red 22
War Service: Naval service 1914-18
School: Dulwich LCC School
General Information:
Colonial - Linotype operator 1921; Asst. Supt. Tanganyika Territory 1934; Supt. press Nigeria 1940; Govt. Printer Palestine 1947
Gazette 16 Nov 1936 Voters List - Nairobi South - Stanley Stephen Engeland, Civil Servant, Sclaters Rd., Nbi
Used spelling 'England' later