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Name: HOGARTH, William
Birth Date: 1895 Kirkaldy, Fife
Death Date: 8 Oct 1953 Morogoro
First Date: 1922
Profession: General merchant, 1952 sisal inspector in Tanganyika
Area: P.O. Kitale, 1925 Hoey's Bridge, Chania Bridge, 1930' Gatua Nyaga' Thika
Married: Doris Amelia b. 12 Apr 1902 Ealing, d. 1978 Dundee
Children: David (1939 Kenya-2011); Christine (1944)
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Hut, Red 22, Red 31
General Information:
Gazette - 25/6/1929 - Dissolution of Partnership between Maurice Gregory Milsom and William Hogarth trading at Limoru and Kikuyu as General Merchants and Hotel-Keepers. Business to be continued by Maurice Gregory Milsom
Gazette - 26/9/1923 - Voters Register - Plateau North - William Hogarth, Farmer Hoey's Bridge
Red 22 has W. Hogarth, Thika Sisal Co., Chania Bridge AND W. Hogarth, Belazoni Synd., Tana River
Hut has W. Hogarth 1922 Belazoni Syndicate Tana River