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Name: HOPWOOD, Stanley Alfred
Birth Date: 1879 Hackney, London, bapt 2 Feb
Death Date: 9 June 1953 Coggeshall, Essex
First Date: 1922
Profession: Accountant; after Busia - c/o Kagera Mines Ltd., Mwirasadu, Mbarara; Box 1 Kampala; c/o Drapers (1943) Ltd., Box 232 Kampala. Farmer, Sergoit
Area: Farm 27 Sergoit, 1930 Nzoia Estate, Hoey's Bridge, Yelverton Moiben, Kipkarren, c/o Borderland Syndicate, Busia
Married: In Holborn 21 Dec 1918 Amanda Louise Moore b. 11 June 1885 Devonport, d. 1971 Witney
Children: Peter (1926)
Book Reference: KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, Legion, Red 22
War Service: Private, 10th (S) Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regt.), and Labour Corps, 1914-19, joined Kenya British Legion in 1934
General Information:
Red 22 - S. Hopwood, Eldoret
Gazette 6 Dec 1938 Uasin Gishu Voters Roll expunged
Nat Probate Calendar
1911 England Census insurance clerk in St Albans