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Name: HALL, William 'Will'

Birth Date: 1859

Death Date: 4.11.1933 Nairobi

First Date: 1902

Profession: Stock Farmer, Vice Pres. Limuru Farmers' Association 1912

Area: Limuru, 1925 Karura Falls Est., Limuru

Married: Josephine Salmon

Children: William Harold (Limuru 17.10.1908-9 July 1920 Nairobi, shot by fellow pupil John Delaval Kirwan at Nairobi School Nairobi); Beatrice (Francis, some time Matron Nairobi School); Gladys Violet (married Game Warden Kearney)

Book Reference: Gillett, SE, HBEA, KAD, Red 25, Red 31, Hut, EAMR, Drumkey, Land, EAHB 1906, AJ, Gazette, North, Red Book 1912, Barnes

War Service: WW1 with EAMR - E Sqdn. 14/9/14 - 13/10/14

General Information:

SE - W. Hall - Limoru - April 1908
Land - 1906 - W. Hall - Agricultural, 642 acres, 15-6-04, Homestead, Registered 3-9-06
Agricultural Journal - Brands Allotted and Registered, September 1908 - W. Hall, Karura Falls, Limoru - Kiambu E9H
Gazette - 7/4/15 - Liable for Jury service, Dagoretti - W. Hall
North - W. Hall - Land Grant application, Nairobi 16-1-1902; Firearms registered at Mombasa on way to Limuru 31-5-1905; Landholder's Game Licence, Seyidie Province 31-5-1905; 1906 resident at Limuru
Red Book 1912 - W. Hall - Kyambu
Red Book 1912 - Vice-President - Limuru Farmers'  Association
Gazette - 29/10/1919 - Register of Voters - Kikuyu - William Hall, Settler, Limoru and Josephine Hall, Married, Limoru
Red 25 - Honorary Permit Issuer.
Red 25 - Steward, Jockey Club of Kenya
Red 22 - W. Hall, Limuru
Red 22 - Honorary Permit Issuer
Advertiser - 30/10/1908 - Mr W. Hall of Limoru - birth of a son and heir
Red Book 1912 - W. Hall - Kyambu
Cem Son Willy, of Nairobi School, killed in shotgun accident aged 11, 9 July 1920 - Forest Rd cemetery, Nairobi
Nairobi Forest Road cemetery - William Hall, British, age 74, died 4/11/33
Gazette 8 Feb 1934 probate - William Hall, late of Limuru



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