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Name: LANGLEY, Harold Fray
Birth Date: 7 Aug 1887 Grahamstown, South Africa
Death Date: 4 Jan 1956 Lake Province, Tanganyika
First Date: 1923
Profession: Mining, water development
Area: Nairobi, Mwanza
Married: In Witwatersrand 8 June 1907 Maud Mary Lewis b. 1874, d. 26 July 1952 Johannesburg (div.)
Book Reference: KAD, Hut, EA & Rhodesia
General Information:
East Africa & Rhodesia - 23/2/56 - Mr H.F. Langley, who has died in the Lake Province of Tanganyika, joined the Water Development and Irrigation Department in 1946. He first went to the Territory from South Africa in 1923 to engage in transport for the Lupa goldfields, and had subsequently engaged in mining in several areas.
Gazette 15 May 1956 probate
Freemason 1916 Bromley